However, Skyward Sword proved that Nintendo's fifth home game console still has some ideas to study. With the help of the Wii MotionPlus add-on for the Wii remote, it doubles the gesture-based control, providing players with the kind of motion detection they have been looking for, so that Link reflects every sword and stabbing of the player when he Adventures in various temples and defeated various clever bosses on the way to establish and eventually become the Kingdom of Hailaru.
Its sales are not as good as many other Zelda games-as mentioned earlier, Wii had a very serious graphics problem at the time. Nevertheless, it has won a lot of praise and continues to be one of the most missed adventure games by Wii gamers.
Back in the past ten years, Nintendo decided to give the game a second chance by releasing a newly remastered HD version, which was just right. The Japanese gaming giant not only sold more than 85 million units worldwide with its current Switch game console series, but also performed so well after being forgotten by the public for so long.
My teenage daughter is one of the players. She is too young to remember Skyward Sword on Wii, but she likes Link's latest adventure, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and desires more. She is almost the exact target audience for Nintendo's remake.
So the two of us turned to "Heaven Sword", her fresh eyes full of surprise, recalling the memories of playing on the Wii in the past are still clear. ,
Child: Very different, but it's definitely Zelda. There are many same characters and creatures. The game mechanics are too. You also have a sword, you can shoot with a slingshot, use bombs and glide. It's just that the approach here is very different.
One thing I really like about Skyward Sword, which is not in Breath of the Wild, is flying. I have always liked flying in games, it's really fun here. I like Loftwing Link flies. He is really cute. I regret that he has no name. None of the Loftwings have a name, which is really regrettable. I mean, they have incubation rituals and the like. They are an important part of Skyloft's culture.
After so many years, my biggest problem is dealing with controls. I found myself hoping that Nintendo would spend time designing a better gamepad interface for the remaster, an interface that does not involve the use of a thumbstick to control the sliding direction of the Link. My muscle memory for decades tells me that I should be able to use that thumbstick to control the camera without having to use buttons to switch camera movements.
Dad, you are just getting old. I adapt easily. In fact, I was playing another game yesterday and I found myself trying to use Skyward Sword's switching mechanism to move the camera.
I actually found the sword control to be satisfactory. It is great to consciously choose the direction you want to swing to manipulate it into precise strikes. I have never played a fighting game like this. You are not just pressing a button or waiting for the enemy to put down their shield, you are using Link's sword, which feels like a realistic attack method.
The only problem I had with the controls was that I accidentally brought up the weapon menu during the battle, and it disappointed me so much that I died several times. I still make that mistake sometimes. I want to place something just a button.
I do not admit that I am old, I can adapt to this game. It just takes, well, longer. You’re right, it’s really satisfying to precisely control the way Link swings his sword—whether it’s destroying an object or discovering the weakness of a monster.
So, final thoughts. From my perspective, Skyward Sword is a nostalgic past. This is a good game-one of the best games that fully accepts wand-based motion control-but I prefer Breath of the Wild. I am very happy that Nintendo has transformed this series into a more traditional format, which includes battles designed for gamepads and a huge open world to explore.
But I represent the old game player. Your generation will soon design games that people play. What is your opinion on Skyward Sword?
Everyone is naturally obsessed with the breath of the wilderness. The Legend of Zelda has always been grand, but I feel that Breath of the Wild has really hit everyone's sweet spot, especially my generation. Because of this, I think Skyward Sword will do a good job on Switch. Everyone wants more Zelda. And I have seen a lot of products and things on Etsy, which will help make this remake an important part of the Zelda fan circle.
Nevertheless, I do think that this kind of game is outdated. There will always be more linear games and motion control and some other things Skyward Sword does, but I think future games in the Legend of Zelda series may stick to the Breath of the Wild formula. Therefore, a bigger world, more openness, a lot of side tasks, and more things can invest time. I mean, "Breath of the Wild" has done so well for Nintendo that it would be crazy for them not to go in that direction.
The Legend of Zelda: Sky Sword HD Review 2021
Reviewed by mattkaydiary
七月 31, 2021
