5 Ways To Pinterest Growth | How To Get More Followers On Pinterest 2021

How to get more followers on Pinterest? This is probably the MOST popular question I get as a Pinterest expert. In this video I will give you the right 3 ways to can use to grow your followers on Pinterest but I will also show you what you should definitely avoid doing if you don’t want to get your account suspended. Let’s first talk about growing followers on Pinterest. Do I recommend seriously focusing on growing this number? If you watch my video recorded about 3 years ago, you’ll see that I was kind of neeeeh, followers on Pinterest are not really important. But I am recording this new video and things have changed over time, so what can I tell you today my friends? 

Well, Pinterest is still a combination of a social media and a search engine. Your pins can still be found in search months and even years later than you published them and the number of your followers on Pinterest is still not the main factor that defines how much traffic you are getting from this platform. So, what has actually changed? The stuff that you can only know if you are using a platform long enough to read between the lines and to understand the hints they are giving with the new features and interface changes. I want you to keep in mind an interesting fact that Pinterest has this new format of pins called Idea pins. 

They used to be called Story pins while in Beta but anyway. These pins are different from regular image pins and from video pins because you can’t link any page to your Idea pin. And Idea pins get really great impression numbers because Pinterest is pushing this new format in the algorithm. And you know what’s interesting? The only benefit of Idea pins is that at the end of each pin users will get a link to your Pinterest profile. Users can save these pins and can go to your profile and there they can follow you of course. In other words, Pinterest created a special type of pins that don’t send users from the platform to your website right away but instead, they send users to your profile page first and that is supposed to help you with following numbers. 

The second argument that is kind of changing my mind about followers on Pinterest is a recent study made by Tailwind scheduler that has shown that accounts with larger followings tended to have more saves per pin than other accounts. Tailwind is an officially authorized Pinterest scheduler, if you are wondering how to use it, I have another video on the channel with a tutorial for beginners, so check the link in the top right corner and in in the description below this video. Since so many people use Tailwind, they have access to a lot of data. In this study they looked at 2 million Pinterest accounts and they found a clear correlation between the higher number of followers and higher number of saved pins per account. 

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So, I guess, it’s enough arguments in favor of working on getting more followers on Pinterest. Let’s get into the actual steps I want to recommend you. 1. Create Idea pins I already mentioned Ideas pin, which were previously called Story pins. This is a new feature on Pinterest and it might be available on some accounts and on others you might still need to request this feature. And if you want to learn how to create story pins, I have another video on my channel where I have a video tutorial and show you click by click how to create them. Check it in the info icon or in the description down below. And I want to clear some doubts you probably have about Idea pins just because they seem to be similar to Stories on other platforms. • First, they don’t disappear in 24 hours from your profile, they will remain on your profile forever. • Idea pins should be saved to the most relevant boards just like any other pins, and they can be found by search function on Pinterest even months or years after you published your Idea pin. 

Also have you noticed that Idea pins are featured at the top of your profile before other created or saved pins? • Idea pins have additional engagement buttons like these while regular image pins don’t have this functionality. So Pinterest does give an additional boost to Idea pins. And although you can’t drive traffic from them to you website, the platform is compensating this drawback of Idea pins by sending people to your Pinterest profile more actively than it’s possible with any other pin formats. 2. Add links to your Pinterest profile in every possible way I want to give you lots of ideas of how you can leverage your own website and any of your social media and invite people to follow you on Pinterest. Let’s start with your website. You could create a simple image like this that says follow me on Pinterest. And add it: - In your sidebar, along with other social media buttons; - In your sidebar as a stand-alone Pinterest follow button; - In the footer of your website;

In the header of your website; Don’t miss a chance to give a link to your Pinterest profile in your other social profiles. For example, on my FB profile I give links to my other social media including Pinterest. You can also add links to your main social media in the email signature like this. By the way, if you want to grow on Pinterest in different ways, not only by the following numbers but if you want to actually get free traffic to your website, I have a Pinterest course that helped a lot of people get to their goals in terms of traffic and online business growth. Check out the stories of other members of the program to get inspired and I’ll be glad if you decide to join us. We have over a 1000 students inside the course. I’ll give you a link to this page in the top right corner and in the description below this video. 3. Engage with people in the comments on Pinterest.

Have you seen over here in your profile the notifications about new comments on your pins? Well, a lot of Pinterest users don’t even know that you can comment on pins. But if you are trying to grow your following on Pinterest, it’s definitely a good idea to interact with your audience and with people who are actively commenting on your pins. They might have found your pin in search and commented on it. If you respond to the user something sweet and short. And chances are, because of that personal attention the user will consider making a few extra clicks and following your account. This way, you are getting from someone who found your content accidentally, a real follower interested in your topic. Just make sure your comments don’t look spammy. 

For example, adding a comment with a link to your post looks bad and doesn’t make sense because the pin is already linked to your website. And linking from the comments can trigger spam filters, so avoid this on Pinterest. Now I did promise you to talk in this video not only about the right ways to grow your following but also to help you avoid the bad practices that can do more harm to your account than actually grow your following on Pinterest. Things you should not do because they are in the grey area and could potential get your account suspended. • Doing follow for follow. This practice comes from Instagram I believe. 

 But whoever tried it on Pinterest, usually gets no results except getting their account suspended. If you like to push the limits, try to follow too many accounts on Pinterest in one day, but do it on a dummy account and see what happens. Besides that, I can guarantee you will not be impressed with the number of people who follow you back. On Pinterest, it’s just not common to do follow for follow and you will hardly get enough follows back to justify the time wasted for mass following. • The second bad practice is Buying followers. This method is as useless as doing follow for follow. 

You probably will spend a lot of money but the reality is, the followers you’ll acquire, will do more harm than good to your account. Because it will likely be a very low quality of followers, either bots or accounts created in mass just for sale. Bottom line, these “followers”will not engage with your content. And just like other platforms, Pinterest is using the early engagement on your pins as a signal about the quality of your content. If you have a bunch of bot followers who don’t interact with your pins, this will ruin your future efforts on Pinterest and will not allow your pins to be shown to a bigger audience.
5 Ways To Pinterest Growth | How To Get More Followers On Pinterest 2021 5 Ways To Pinterest Growth | How To Get More Followers On Pinterest 2021 Reviewed by mattkaydiary on 八月 08, 2021 Rating: 5


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